Sunday, December 16, 2007

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.....

Our front door with my super-cute snowman doormat....

The "mantle" aka Entertainment Center with all of our christmas all of you, THANKS! I love them!!!!!! Seriously!

Our tree with the presents under it....if you could see close-up, you would note that none are mine....b/c my husband cannot wrap them on his own for some reason :), therefore he is waiting till Christmas when we are visiting family!

The Cowboy Nutcracker

It is also beginning to smell a lot like Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw - I see Katelyn's pic in your display!:) Glad you got it! I have yours and Patrick's displayed at our house, too. I'm lovin' the cowboy Nutcracker. We collect those.