Thursday, June 19, 2008


Yesterday afternoon I went to Babies R Us to start our registry- I sort of wanted to go start it now so that I can just add to it online once we find out if the baby is a boy or I was off for once, and things are going to get crazy workwise once July 1 hits.

So off I went with the scanner!!!!! I was there a while, and added quite a few things, but I will probably change some things before the baby comes! For any of you moms out there, I welcome suggestions!!!! I'm also registered for some things at Walmart online, I'll have to go in person and add more to that one later as well. So feel free to registry stalk me!!!!!!


Julie and Chris said...

You KNOW how much I LOVE to registry stalk!!!

Can't wait till you find out what it is!!

Chrissy said...

Baby nightgowns and lap pads/mattress pads are a couple of things we use the most around here (well except for diapers, which we are now using cloth part time until I get a larger stash of cloth diapers) Nightgowns are better for when baby is growing since his/her feet can extend out the end of the gown. Footed sleepers are great if you have them in each size for when baby is too long for the size you have (like we are now). Emma is currently in 3-6 months but is nearly too long for her sleepers, so she has to sleep in pants and t's or nightgowns. Make sure to get nursing pads to wear after baby comes to help with leaking. If I think of anything else I will let you know. Sorry this comment is so long. I hope you are feeling well. Get plenty of rest when you can.